Gonçalves won with the project “The moral theory of the UBI’s conception of ‘universality'”.
The ceremony to award the city medals will take place on 4 December 2022 at the Theatro Circo.
Fernandes won with the essay “A Nova Direita no Século XXI: Identitária, Nacionalista e Cristã”.
Merrill and the co-authors won with the book Rendimento Básico Incondicional: Uma Defesa da Liberdade.
Baptista won with the article “A Liberdade em Polanyi”.
Acílio Rocha will be awarded by the University of Santiago de Compostela for his lifelong dedication to Philosophy.
The winner of the best essay will receive €1000 and the essay will be published in Ethics, Politics & Society journal.
Merrill was awarded for his essay “Rendimento Básico – Uma Ferramenta para uma Europa Social”.
The Portuguese Political Science Association Prize was awarded to Jovana Jezdimirovic Ranito.
Professor Rocha will be a corresponding member of the 3rd section (which includes the scientific area of Philosophy).