XIII UMinho Philosophy Students’ Conference: “Time, Mind, and Art”

XIII UMinho Philosophy Students’ Conference: “Time, Mind, and Art”

The UMinho Philosophy Students Conference is an annual event organized by the Philosophy Department and the Philosophy Students’ Association at the University of Minho. This year’s Conference is organized with the support of the Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society (CEPS).

The general orientation of the conference is toward problems related to philosophy of mind, time, and art, individually considered or at the interface between these fields of inquiry. We aim to showcase novel work on topics of interest in current research on the aforementioned domains. As such, we welcome contributions from a plurality of approaches and relating to fundamental and applied problems and other aspects of philosophy of mind, time, and aesthetics.

The conference is comprised of three major panels, with the corresponding keynote talks and the presentations around the suggested themes.

Keynote speakers
1. Sofia Miguens (University of Porto)
2. Sean Enda Power (University College Cork)
3. Francisca Perez Carreño (University of Murcia)

The invited keynote speakers for this conference will lecture on their respective preferred fields of inquiry.

Specifically, we welcome contributions relating to (but not limited to) the following questions:

  1. The philosophy of mind
  2. Aesthetics and philosophy of art
  3. The philosophy of time
  4. The interface between time, mind, and art

Submission of abstracts: All members of the community interested in presenting are kindly invited to submit a proposal by 15-02-2025in either portuguese or english. Submissions should contain the title of the presentation, an abstract of maximum 300 words, as well as the author’s name, affiliation, and e-mail. Notification of acceptance will be delivered by March 1st 2025. We request you submit the abstract through this form.
Presentations: All presentations will have a duration of 20 minutes, followed by a 10-minute discussion.
Registration fee: Standard registration: 60€. For MA and PhD students, and early-career researchers: 50€ (free for members of the University of Minho)
Contact: All inquiries about the conference should be sent to: philconferenceuminho2025@gmail.com

More information here.