Call for Expression of Interests // CEEC 7th Edition (FCT)

Call for Expression of Interests // CEEC 7th Edition (FCT)

Call for expression of interests

The Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society at the University of Minho (CEPS UMinho) invites expressions of interest from highly qualified candidates to apply for a fixed-term research position for 3 years*, under the Scientific Employment Stimulus Program (7th Edition ) funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). The selected researchers will be hired by the CEPS, through FCT funding, according to the following conditions: 

  • Junior researcher: PhD holders with up to 5 years of post-doctoral experience** in the scientific area of application – 2.294,95€ gross wage (c. 1742€ net per month, with the salary paid 14 times per year).
  • Assistant researcher: PhD holders with relevant experience (independently of its duration) in the scientific area of application – 3.427,59€ gross wage (c. 2312€ net per month, with the salary paid 14 times per year).**The 5 year-limit period is calculated from the closing date of the call.
    *Note about the duration of the contract: selected candidates have the option to extend the use of FCT funding for their salary over a 6-year period. Researchers who would like to suspend their contract to undertake extended stays at other academic or non-academic institutions, both domestically and internationally, can take advantage of additional funding sources during these periods.

CEPS is the leading research center in Portugal in the areas of ethics, political theory, social and political philosophy. Prospective candidates who are interested in applying with our Centre should contact Dr. Giuseppe Ballacci at with the Subject ‘Scientific Employment 2024’. All candidates should attach: 

  1. a recent CV
  2. a brief research statement (no longer than 2 pages)
  3. a brief motivation letter justifying the choice of the CEPS and UMinho as host institutions

 Deadline for expressions of interest in applying with CEPS: 31 October 2024. 

 If selected, candidates will then apply online directly to the FCT and CEPS will offer support with the application procedure. 

 Applications for the 2024 call will be open on the FCT website from 30 September to 29 November 2024 (17:00 Lisbon Time)

Further information about the 2024 FCT Call requirements is available at:

We strongly encourage applications from women and members of socially underrepresented groups.

NB: In accordance with Portuguese legislation on the recognition of foreign qualifications, all doctoral degrees awarded by foreign institutions must be duly recognized by the Direção-Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES). The doctoral degree must be submitted with the application, along with the certificate of recognition granted by the DGES (or proof of a submitted request). The process of recognition is quite straightforward and can be done online. However, applications without the certificate will still be considered by the FCT, but recognition must be obtained before signing the contract.

Further information about the recognition of foreign doctoral degrees is available at: