Patrícia Fernandes A educação cívica e política pode desempenhar um papel relevante no quotidiano de um regime democrático, onde o processo através do qual as decisões políticas são tomadas constitui um complexo emaranhado de regras, procedimentos, relações entre inúmeras instituições e um conjunto de outros detalhes que podem gerar um sentimento de desorientação a quem o tenta compreender. Reconhecendo a…
Ballacci, G., Populism, 6(1), 1-29 (2023).
Master Thesis Author |LARA DE MENDONÇA ANDRÉ| N.º 6 - The relevance of sentience: shaping non-anthropocentric politics This dissertation explores the contributions of political philosophy to the debate about the consideration of nonhuman sentient beings. Firstly, anthropocentrism and speciesism are analyzed as the dominant positions in moral and political philosophy, according to which human interests have priority (if not exclusive…
Master Thesis Author |ANTÓNIO JOSÉ DE OLIVEIRA CRUZ MENDES | N.º 5 - MARX, MORALITY AND JUSTICE With this Master's dissertation it is addressed the problem of whether there is or not an ethical foundation in the Marxist critique of capitalism and its defense of socialism and communism is supported or not in a theory of justice. In the Introduction,…
Master Thesis Author |ASSUCENA MARLENE FERREIRA DE SOUSA | N.º 4 - Marcuse and the ambivalence of technics Herbert Marcuse was one of the most influential political philosophers in the 20th century. After his death, his popularity started decreasing and the philosopher somewhat sank into oblivion. This dissertation intends to investigate the Marcusean contribution to the subject of technics, so…
Master Thesis Author |MARCO DANIEL COSTA LOUREIRO| N.º 3 - A TEORIA IDEAL DA JUSTIÇA NUM MUNDO NÃO IDEAL Starting from the distinction between ideal theory and nonideal theory, in this work, we will address the problem of the practical applicability of ideal-oriented political theories. In order to do this, we will start by analyzing the main arguments that call…
Master Thesis Author |BRUNO DANIEL OLIVEIRA PINHEIRO | N.º 2 - THE PROBLEM OF NON-IDENTITY AND HUMAN DIGNITY In this dissertation, I intend to analyze whether theories of human dignity can solve the problem of non-identity, and what kind of solution they offer. In this sense, I start by exposing the problem of non-identity, explaining what it consists of, what…
CEPS AUTHOR | JORGE D. M. MATEUS | N.º 1 - A THEORY OF LIBERTARIST JUSTICE: NOZICK AND STEINER'S CONTRIBUTIONS The present work originated in the master's dissertation that the author wrote, over the years 2015 and 2016, within the scope of the master's degree in Political Philosophy at the University of Minho. To a large extent, this origin reveals…
GIUSEPPE BALLACCI This book explores the significance of rhetoric from the perspective of its complex relationship with philosophy. It demonstrates how this relationship gives expression to a basic tension at the core of politics: that between the contingency of its happening and the transcendence toward which it strives. The first part of the study proposes a reassessment of the ancient…
CEPS AUTHOR |JOSÉ A. COLEN| Natural Right and History is widely recognized as Strauss’s most influential work. The six lectures, written while Strauss was at the New School, and a full transcript of the 1949 Walgreen Lectures show Strauss working toward the ideas he would present in fully matured form in his landmark work. In them, he explores natural right and…