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[Call for Papers] Workshop on Guaranteed Income Experiments

February 22, 2024 - February 23, 2024

Call for Papers

Workshop on Guaranteed Income Experiments.

The moral, ecological, and economic value of a basic income

This workshop is presented by the History and Philosophy Department of the University of New Orleans in collaboration with the Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society, at the University of Minho, and the Justice Studies Program at the University of New Orleans. It will be held at the University of New Orleans, February 22-23, 2024 at the Dougie Hitt Conference Room, at the Library, room 407, 2000 Lakeshore Dr, New Orleans, LA 70148.

The workshop is organized by Sara Bizarro (University of New Orleans) and Roberto Merrill (UBIECO project at the Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society/University of Minho).

Keynote and invited speakers include Karl Widerquist (Georgetown University in Qatar), Soomi Lee (University of Laverne), Scott Santens, (Income To Support All Foundation/TBC), Catarina Neves (Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society/University Minho), Sara Bizarro (University of New Orleans), and Roberto Merrill (Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society/University of Minho).

In this workshop, we will discuss several questions regarding Guaranteed Income, including its moral and ecological impact, a discussion about the economic feasibility of basic income, and the experiments that have happened and are currently happening both in New Orleans and around the world.

You can submit under one of three topics:

  1. Moral and Ecologic Value of Basic Income
  2. Economic Feasibility of UBI
  3. Basic Income Experiments

Some questions that can be discussed and debated at the conference are:

  • How does empirical evidence impact existing moral arguments in favor or against basic income?
  • What is the history of Basic Income Experiments in the USA and in other countries?
  • What experiments are currently underway and what is their significance?
  • What can experiments tell us about the economic feasibility of a UBI and the interaction between tax and benefit systems? What trade-offs do we need to consider?
  • What can empirical evidence tell us about the long-term impacts of basic income? Do we know the impacts on labor markets, institutional trust, and social cohesion?
  • What are the ex-post consequences of a UBI policy, either in the short, medium, or long-term perspectives? How would it affect educational or health outcomes? What does it tell us about basic income as a superior policy, considering other alternatives?
  • What do we know about basic income’s possible impacts on the ecological transition?
  • Given its high costs, how can we judge its short-term financial cost and its perceived long-term benefits?

The submission deadline is January 31, 2024. Please send a 300-word abstract as your submission to sbizarro@uno.edu and roberto.merrill@elach.uminho.pt. Please state in the subject of the email which topic you are submitting out of the three possible topics.


February 22, 2024
February 23, 2024


University of New Orleans
Dougie Hitt Conference Room
New Orleans, 70148 United States


CEPS & History and Philosophy Department of the University of New Orleans