Stefano Calboli

Contact Info

Stefano Calboli


Stefano Calboli is currently integrated member of CEPS and he is pursuing a second PhD with a project on how the cognitive biases and nudges typically discussed within behavioral economics, shape moral choices. His research interests lie in nudge theory, moral psychology, evidence-based policymaking, and, more recently, technologies as influence tools, such as social robotics.

He studied logic and philosophy of science at the University of Urbino, receiving a PhD in 2017 in Basic Science and Applications at the Department of Pure and Applied Sciences of the University of Urbino Carlo Bo, with a thesis whereby he approaches the topic of whistleblowing through the lens of cognitive science and nudges theory. Afterward, he was a Teaching Assistant in “Philosophy of Mind” at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo and held a post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Pure and Applied Sciences of the same university. As a postdoc researcher, he carried out research within the field of social robotics that draws on moral psychology, entitled “Dehumanizations and Self-Dehumanizations Lurk. The Moral Consequences of Interactions with Uncanny Robots”.

Throughout his research activities, Stefano has been a visiting scholar and guest lecturer at the University of Denver and the University of Macau.

Professional category

  • Full Researcher


  • 2017. PhD in Basic Science and Applications at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo.

Other Info

  • CiênciaVitae: 

Research interests

  • Nudge Theory
  • Moral Psychology
  • Evidence-based Policymaking
  • Social Robotics

Institutional positions

Teaching Assistant in “Philosophy of Mind” at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo.

Post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Pure and Applied Sciences University of Urbino Carlo Bo.

Visiting scholar and guest lecturer at the University of Denver.

Visiting scholar and guest lecturer at the University of Macau.

Book chapters


2023. “Robot Nudgers. What About Transparency?”, in P. Masci, C. Bernardeschi, P. Graziani, M. Koddenbrock & M. Palmieri (eds.), Software Engineering and Formal Methods, Springer International Publishing.

2023. w/ P. Graziani & J. Even. “The Ethics of Robot-Nudgers’ Design”, in R. Hakli, P. Mäkelä & J. Seibt (eds.), Social Robots in Social Institutions – Proceedings of Robophilosophy 2022 Conference, IOS Press, 473-479.

2023. “Personalized Transparency in Digital Nudging”, Persuasive 2023, Adjunct Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Persuasive Technology.

2022. w/ V. Fano. “Mechanistic Explanations and the Ethics of Nudging”, Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia, 13(3), 175-168.