Contact Info
E-mail: nrbmerrill@gmail.com
Personal website: https://sites.google.com/view/nrbmerrill/
Roberto Merrill
Roberto Merrill is Assistant Professor in Philosophy and Head of Department of Philosophy, at the School of Arts and Humanities at the University of Minho, where he also coordinates the MA in Political Philosophy.
He is also a researcher at the Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society, where he co-coordinates (with Stuart White, Oxford University) the UBIEXP project on UBI experiments and the PREDPOD project (with Alan Thomas, University of York) on pre-distribution and property-owning democracy.
He is Associate Researcher at CEVIPOF (Sciences Po-Paris) and a member of the Executive Committee of the Research Committee on Political Philosophy of the International Political Science Association.
Dr. Merrill research interests within political philosophy include liberal neutrality, perfectionism and value pluralism, as well as contemporary theories of distributive justice.
He published in 2019 a book on Rendimento básico incondicional: uma defesa da liberdade, Edições 70. (Prize by the Portuguese Society of Philosophy for best essay in philosophy for 2018-2019) and in 2022 a book on UBI experiments: Basic Income Experiments: A Critical Examination of their Goals, Contexts, and Methods, Palgrave Macmillan. He is currently working on a book manuscript on pre-distribution and property-owning democracy.
Professional category
- Assistant Professor
- 2008. PhD in Political Philosophy at Centre Raymond Aron, EHESS (Paris) on “Political Neutrality and Value Pluralism”. Supervisors: Monique Canto-Sperber (EHESS-ENS) and Daniel Weinstock (McGill University)
- 2001. M.A. in Philosophy at Sorbonne-Paris 1 University.
- 1999. B.A. in Philosophy at Sorbonne-Paris 1 University.
Other Info
- Short CV: Download CV
- CiênciaVitae: https://cienciavitae.pt/B416-BF50-11F6
Research interests
- Applied Ethics
- Basic Income
- Liberal Neutrality
- Perfectionism
- Value Pluralism
- Contemporary Theories of Distributive Justice
- Republicanism
- Paternalism
Institutional positions
Researcher at the Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society.
2022 (February). Invited Professor at the Philosophy Department of the Federal University of Santa Catarina.
2021 (November). Invited Professor at FRIBIS, University of Freiburg.
2020 (January). Invited Professor at the Philosophy Department of the University of Franche-Comté (M.A. lectures in Political Philosophy).
2019 (August). Invited Professor at Nalsar University of Law, Hyderabad, India (M.A. lectures in Political Philosophy).
2019 (March). Invited Professor (Erasmus Programme) at the Department of Philosophy and Hoover Chair of the Catholic University of Louvain (M.A. lectures in Political Philosophy).
2019 (January). Invited Professor at the Philosophy Department of the University of Paris-Est Créteil (M.A. lectures in Political Philosophy).
2017. Visiting Professor at ISCTE (professor of contemporary political philosophy on the Master’s programme in Public Policy).
2017. Invited Researcher at Centro de Estudos Sociais, University of Coimbra.
2016. Invited Professor at Institut d’Études Politiques, Sciences-Po Grenoble.
2014. Researcher at IFILNOVA, Nova University Lisbon.
2013. Hoover Fellow at Hoover Chair of the Catholic University of Louvain.
2011. Invited Researcher at Harvard University Program in Ethics and Health (Harvard Medical School).
2006-2007. Invited Researcher at CRÉ, University of Montreal.
Book chapters
(forth.) w/ C. Neves. The Costs and Benefits of a UBI, Palgrave Macmillan.
(forth.) w/ J. Pinto. Special issue on “Public reason in a polarized world”.
(forth.) w/ C. Neves. Special issue on “The costs and benefits of a UBI”.
2022. w/ C. Neves & B. Laín. Basic Income Experiments: A Critical Examination of their Goals, Contexts, and Methods, Palgrave Macmillan.
2021. w/ C. Neves. Special issue on “The Challenges of Basic Income Experiments”, Ethical Perspectives, 28(1), 1-115.
2021. w/ C. Neves. “Symposium on Basic Income Experiment Designs”, Basic Income Studies, 16(1), 1-99.
2019. w/ S. Bizarro, G. Marcelo & J. Pinto. Rendimento Básico Incondicional: Uma Defesa da Liberdade, Edições 70.
2019. “Symposium on Edmundson, W. A. (2017). John Rawls: Reticent Socialist”. Ethical Perspectives, 26(2), 323-384.
2018. Special issue on “Rendimento básico incondicional”, Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, 74(2-3).
2017. w/ P. Savidan (coords.) Du minimalisme moral. Essais pour Ruwen Ogien, Les Editions Raison publique.
2014. w/ D. Weinstock. Political Neutrality: A Re-evaluation, Palgrave Macmillan.
(forth.) w/ S. Aráujo & V. Fonte. “Humanidades Digitais, Artes e Rendimento Básico Incondicional”, (E)vidência Futura.
(forth.) w/ C. Neves. “The Impact of Measures Against COVID-19 on Freedom of Press and Expression”.
2020. “Rousseau”, in J. Rosas (org.), História da Filosofia Política, Presença, 337-346.
2018. “Pré-distribution”, in P. Savidan (ed.), Dictionnaire des inégalités et de la justice sociale, Presses Universitaires de France, 1321-1334.
2017. “El Acceso a los Comunes y la Renta Básica Como Formas Complementares de Justicia Predistributiva”, in J. Zalakain, J. & B. Barragué (coords.), Repensar las Políticas Sociales: Predistribución e Inversión Social, Editorial Grupo 5, 229-236.
2017. “Ronald Dworkin et la neutralité de l’État”, in A. Policar (ed.), Ronald Dworkin, L’empire des valeurs, Classiques Garnier, 99-123.
(forth.) w/ J. Pinto. “Public Reason as a Means to Integrate Climate and Social Justice”, Revista Brasileira de Ciência Política.
(forth.) w/R. Magni-Berton. “How Should We Distribute Education in Property-owning Democracy and Liberal Socialism?”
2023. w/ C. Neves. Report on “The Economic Costs and Benefits of a UBI. A Case Study for Portugal”, European Greens.
2022. w/ P. Silva. “Predistribution and Unconditional Basic Income”, Lua Nova, 117, 235-54.
2022: Report on “The Possibility of a Basic Income Experiment in Portugal”, European Greens.
2021. w/ C. Neves. “Unconditional Basic Income and State as an Employer of Last Resort: A Reply to Alan Thomas”, Basic Income Studies, 16(2), 2021, 169-190.
2021. w/ C. Neves. “Editors’ Introduction”, Basic Income Studies, 16(1), 1-10.
2021. “How Much Can UBI Experiments Tell Us?”, Ethical Perspectives, 28(1), 77-87.
2021. w/ C. Neves. “Introduction: The Challenges of Basic Income Experiments”, Ethical Perspectives, 28(1), 1-5.
2021. w/ B. Laín. “Why Do We Run Basic Income Experiments? From Empirical Evidence to Collective Debate“, Basic Income Studies, 16(1), 2021, 27-38.
2019. “Socialism, Work and Basic Income”, Ethical Perspectives, 26(2), 366-370.
2019. “Rendimento Básico: Uma Ferramenta Para Uma Europa Social?”, Finisterra, revista de reflexão e crítica, 65-76 (2nd Prize of the Res Publica Award).
2018. w/ G. Marcelo. “Como Implementar e Financiar um Rendimento Básico Incondicional? Reflexões para o Caso Português e Proposta de Um Projeto-piloto”, Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, 74(2-3), 585-626.
2017. “Democracia de Proprietários, Pré-distribuição, e Rendimento Básico Incondicional”, Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, 73(1), 303-316.
2014. “L’amour comme émotion morale ? Partialité parentale et égalité des chances”, Raison Publique, 19, 177-196.
Ongoing Projects
2023-2024. Principal Investigator of UBIECO – The Moral, Economic and Social Value of Basic Income.
2023 –. Principal Investigator of PREDPOD – Rethinking the Welfare State: Property-owning Democracy and Pre-distribution.