Leonardo Menezes

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Leonardo Barros da Silva Menezes


In Leonardo Barros da Silva Menezes’ PhD project, he analyzes the just distribution of refugees between states and their ethical duties. He argues that a just distribution of refugees across states is an important normative goal and, accordingly, he attempts to rethink the normative foundations of the global refugee regime.

He holds a B.A. degree in Social Sciences (honors: Magna Cum Laude) at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) where he was research assistant both in the Laboratory of Urban Anthropology (LAU) and at the Center of Studies in Political Theory (NUTEP) from 2009 to 2012. After having earned a M.A. degree in Political Science at the University of São Paulo (USP), he decided to further my studies in normative and political theory, and enrolled in a second M.A. in Political Theory at Sciences Po (Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris).

Professional category

  • Researcher (with studentship)


  • M.A. in Political Theory at Sciences Po (Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris).
  • M.A. in Political Science at the University of São Paulo.
  • B.A. in Social Sciences at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

Research interests

  • Theories of Justice
  • Global Justice
  • Refugeehood / Refugees
  • Human Rights
  • Migration
  • Moral Pluralism
  • Religious Tolerance

Institutional positions

2009-2012. Research assistant in the Laboratory of Urban Anthropology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

2009-2012. Research assistant in the Center of Studies in Political Theory at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.