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Daniele Santoro

CEPS Director

Daniele Santoro is a researcher at the Centre for Ethics, Politics, and Society, where he is also in charge of Political Philosophy Research Area and the Center Seminar Series. He previously held appointments at Luiss University (where he also taught courses in political philosophy, history of political thought, philosophy of social sciences, and bioethics) and at the National Research Council of Italy. He earned a PhD in Philosophy of Law from the University of Padua, and held research fellowships at the Institute for Advanced Study of Aix-Marseille University, and the Hoover Chaire of UCL Louvain. His current interests are in constitutional rights, the justification of dissent, and the epistemic aspects of rights. His contributions on these and related subjects have appeared for Social Epistemology, Philosophy and Social Criticism, Philosophia, Philosophical Topics, and in edited volumes for Routledge and Continuum. He is the author of Speaking Truth to Power — A Theory of Whistleblowing, Springer 2018 (with Manohar Kumar).

Professional category

  • Full Researcher


  • PhD in Philosophy of Law at the University of Padua

Other Info

Research interests

  • Political Philosophy and Political Theory (constitutional rights, dissent and whistleblowing, distributive and epistemic justice, epistemic aspects of democracy, government secrecy, public interest);
  • Philosophy of Law (legal responsibility, pragmatic and inferential accounts of legal concepts).

Research Fellowships

2015-2016 (June-May). Senior Research Fellow — Italian National Research Council – Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies, (IRPPS-CNR), member of the Citi-Rights Project (funded by the European Commission — DG Justice under the JUST/2013/Action grants).

2015 (Feb-May). Chaire Hoover d’Éthique et Économique et Sociale, Université Catholique de Louvain.

2014-2015 (Sep-Feb). IMéRA, Aix-Marseille Institute of Advanced Studies, Université d’Aix-Marseille.

2005-2010. Post-Doctoral Researcher in the Department of Political Science at Luiss University, Rome.

2002-2003. University of California- Berkeley, EAP Program, Departments of Philosophy and Anthropology.

Institutional positions

2016 –.Researcher at the Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society.

2010-2016. Adjunct Professor in the Department of Political Science at Luiss University – Rome.

2010-2012. Columbia University, Department of Philosophy.

2002. UFR de Philosophie at Sorbonne University, Paris IV.

Coordinator of the Political Philosophy Research Area, and of Seminar Series in Ethics and Political Philosophy.


2018. w/ M. Kumar. Speaking Truth to Power: A Theory of Whistleblowing, Springer.

Book chapters

2018. w/ M. Kumar.“A Right to Protection for Whistleblowers”, in D. Archibugi & A. E. Benli, (eds.), Claiming Citizenship Rights in Europe. Emerging Challenges and Political Agents, Routledge – Taylor & Francis, 186-203.

2013. “Legal Responsibility. A Pragmatic Perspective”, in G. Hubbs & D. Lind (eds.), Pragmatism, Law, and Language, Routledge, 98-113

2010. “Public Reason and Models of Judgment”, in P. Losonczi & A. Singh (eds.), From Political Theory to Political Theology Religious Challenges and the Prospects of Democracy, Continuum, 31-46.


2017. w/ M. Kumar.“A Justification of Whistleblowing”, Philosophy and Social Criticism, 43(7),  669–684.

2017. w/ F. Liveriero.“Proceduralism and the Epistemic Dilemma of Supreme Courts”, Social Epistemology, 31(3),  310-323.

2012. w/ E. Kollar. “Not By Bread Alone: Inequality, Relative Deprivation and Self-respect”, Philosophical Topics, 40(1), 79-96.

Ongoing Projects

2021-2023. Principal Investigator of PUBINT – The Public Interest. A Politico-Philosophical Investigation.