António Baião
António Baião is Invited Assistant Professor at the University of Minho, where he teaches Political Philosophy, History of Political and Social Ideas and Modern Philosophy. He holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Minho, a MA in Philosophy and a BA in Political Science and International Relations from Nova University Lisbon. He currently works on the dialogues between a Foucauldian analytics of power and anarchist discourses.
Professional category
- Invited Assistant Professor
- 2024. PhD in Philosophy at the University of Minho.
- 2012. M.A. in Philosophy (speciality: Political Philosophy) at the Nova University Lisbon.
- 2010. B.A. in Political Science and International Relations at the Nova University Lisbon.
Other Info
- CiênciaVitae:
Research interests
- Anarchisms
- Post-structuralism
- Resistance as Political Power
- Governmentalities and Counter-conducts
- Contemporary Political Philosophy
- History of Political Ideas
- Portuguese Political Thought
Research grants
2018-2022. PhD studentship granted by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT).
2014-2017. Research grant at the Centro de Humanidades (CHAM). Project Revistas de Ideias e Cultura (Seminário Livre de História das Ideias).
2012-2013. Research grant at the Centro de História da Cultura (CHC). Project Revistas de Ideias e Cultura (Seminário Livre de História das Ideias).
Institutional positions
2024-. Invited Assistant Professor at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Minho.
2022-2024. Invited Assistant at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Minho.
2024-. Member of the Board of the Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society.
2020-2021. Member of the Coordinating Committee of the Doctoral College UMinho.
Book chapters
Digital archives
2023. “O Anarquista Mário Domingues e o Jornal A Batalha“, in M. Domingues, A Liberdade Não se Concede, Conquista-se. Que a Conquistem os Negros!, Falas Afrikanas, Letra Livre & A Batalha, 5-102 [Book introduction].
2019. “A Batalha, Stuart e a Sua Circunstância”, in S. Carvalhais, Renda Barata e Outros Cartoons de Stuart Carvalhais n’A Batalha, Chili Com Carne & A Batalha, 2-12 [Book introduction].
2014. “Are Chamberlain and Gretzky Entitled to Their Earnings? Accessing the Debate on Self-ownership and Taxation”, Kairos. Journal of Philosophy & Science, 11, 31-58.
2018. (ed.), Online edition of Suplemento Literário e Ilustrado de A Batalha, Seminário Livre de História das Ideias and Fundação Mário Soares.
2018. (ed.) Online edition of Renovação, Seminário Livre de História das Ideias and Fundação Mário Soares.
2018. (ed.), Online edition of A Sementeira, Seminário Livre de História das Ideias and Fundação Mário Soares.
2018. (ed.), Online edition of Germinal, Seminário Livre de História das Ideias and Fundação Mário Soares.