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PREDPOD Reading Group – “Socialist republicanism”
Março 4, 2021 @ 17:00 - 18:00
The 11th session of the reading group of the PREDPOD project will take place on March 4 2021 at 5pm. In this session the following article will be discussed: O’Shea, T. Socialist republicanism. Political Theory, 48(5), 548-572 (2020). Tom O’Shea, our invited speaker, will make a brief presentation of the main ideas of his paper which will be followed by a reply by Vincent Bourdeau and a debate with the participants.
Tom O’Shea (speaker): Tom O’Shea is Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Roehampton. He researches several areas of practical philosophy – including moral, social, and political philosophy – with a focus on human freedom. Tom’s current project excavates the history of radical republican thought and defends a socialist republican conception of political and economic liberty.
Vincent Bourdeau (discussant): Vincent Bourdeau is Lecturer in Social and Political Philosophy at the University of Besançon (UBFC, France) and researcher in the lab Logiques de l’agir (E.A. 2274). He is working on the relations between republicanism, socialism and the emergence of social sciences in the 19th century and has also published on contemporary developments concerning republicanism. Amongst recent works on these subjects in French: Quand les socialistes inventaient l’avenir. Presse, théories et expériences (1825-1860), La Découverte, 2015 (directed with Thomas Bouchet, Edward Castleton, Ludovic Frobert and François Jarrige) and La République et ses démons. Essais de républicanisme appliqué, éditions è®e, 2006 (directed with Roberto Merrill). Publications in English include : “Revolutionary France and the Social Repubic that never was” (https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/opendemocracyuk/revolutionary-france-and-social-republic-that-never-was/) and “What do todays republicans have to say about work” (https://blog.politics.ox.ac.uk/what-do-todays-republicans-have-to-say-about-work/).