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Catarina Neves // Why should we be grateful for the welfare state?

Fevereiro 21, 2024 @ 11:30 - 12:30

Seminário de Doutorandos CEPS

Why should we be grateful for the welfare state?
por Catarina Neves (CEPS)

Bio: Catarina Neves é investigadora de doutoramento em Filosofia Política no Centro de Ética, Política e Sociedade, com uma tese intitulada “Justifying an Unconditional Basic Income: reciprocity, productive justice and the impact of UBI in the labor market”. É também Assistente Convidada na Nova School of Business and Economics em Lisboa, onde lecciona a disciplina de ‘Ética’.

É coautora de um livro sobre experiências de rendimento básicoBasic Income Experiments. A Critical Examination of Their Goals, Contexts, and Methods (2022), publicado pela Palgrave Macmillan.

Abstract: This talk is based on a working idea gratitude and the welfare state. I aim to show that there is a political obligation of gratitude to the welfare state which determines support for the maintenance and enlargement of benefits. To do so, I will first outline the concept of gratitude, what it means, what is it implied when we are grateful and connect it with similar concepts such as reciprocity. I will then argue why we should be concerned with gratitude, exploring concerns from relational equality namely at an institutional-individual level (Voigt, 2018, p. 439; Schemmel, 2012; Shiffrin, 2017). Finally, I will attempt to illustrate some institutional implications of this view, namely the conditions where gratitude is warranted (or not), and what this obligation might require citizens to do.

Link zoom:  https://shorturl.at/qQSW0


Fevereiro 21, 2024
11:30 - 12:30
Categorias de Evento:
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CEPS Room (ELACH) + Online
Rua da Universidade
Braga, Portugal

