[PDRHP] David Ragazzoni & Samuel Zeitlin

CEPS Room (ELACH) + Online Rua da Universidade, Braga, Portugal

Session of the Populism, Demagoguery and Rhetoric in Historical Perspective Seminar Series.

[PDRHP] Paula Diehl & Thomás Zicman de Barros

CEPS Room (ELACH) + Online Rua da Universidade, Braga, Portugal

PDRHP Seminars:
- Paula Diehl (Universidade de Kiel), "Rethinking the Relationship between Populism and Media in Complex Terms";
- Thomás Zicman de Barros (Universidade do Minho), "Bataille, Gramsci and Heidegger: Three Matrices for a Transgressive Aesthetics of Populism"