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Francesca Sofia Alexandratos is a researcher at the Centre of Ethics, Politics, and Society. Her research is in the field of social philosophy, in between the traditions of critical theory and American pragmatism, with a focus on recognition, vulnerability, and plural nature as key categories for the critique of societies.

Before joining the CEPS, she was adjunct professor at Ca’ Foscari University and teaching assistant at the University of Bologna.  She obtained her PhD in Philosophy at the University of Parma, with the dissertation “Recognition and Life. A Study on Axel Honneth’s Theory of Recognition and John Dewey’s Naturalistic Humanism. During her master and doctoral studies, she carried out research visiting in Finland (Tampere University) and Germany (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster).

She is committed to the creation of spaces and events aimed at establishing dialogue and exchange between students, PhD students, researchers, and professors. Accordingly, she is a founding member of the philosophical association Vita Activa and Map (Minorities and Philosophy) Parma, in the board of the philosophical associations La Ginestra and Fondazione per la critica sociale, and in the committee of the mentoring programme for women in philosophy of SWIP Italia.

Professional category

  • Full Researcher


  • PhD in Philosophy at the University of Parma

Other Info

  • CiênciaVitae:


  • Social Philosophy
  • Critical Theory
  • Recognition Theory
  • Critical Naturalism
  • Theory of Vulnerability
  • American Pragmatism
  • Philosophical Anthropology

Book chapters


2024. “Individu(alism)i: Patologie e Orizzonti di Emancipazione” in A. Andolfi (ed.), Individualismo Solidale. Una Nuova Immagine dell’Utopia, MUP.

2023. “Un Posto nel Mondo: Tra Natura e Critica” in A. Honneth & H. Joas, Agire Sociale e Natura Umana, Rosenberg & Sellier, 237-253.

2021. The Structure of Human Action as a Criterion for Social Analysis. The Living Bond Between Honneth and Joas’ Project of Social Action and Human Nature and John Dewey’s Naturalistic Humanism“, European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy, 13(2).